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Can’t decide if you want a responsive or unresponsive yoyo? The Arrow is both! This yoyo comes with two interchangeable bearings, a thin bearing for responsive play, and a wider one for unresponsive play. This is a great option if you are still learning. The modern butterfly shape is wide enough to learn string tricks, even with the responsive bearing. Once you feel comfortable handling the yoyo, simply switch the bearing to unresponsive to open up a whole new level of play. As with all our yoyos, it is not recommended to unscrew the yoyo too much, so try not to go back and forth between the two bearings too often.

Diameter: 58.43 mm
Width: 40.3 mm
Gap Width: 4.42 mm
Weight: 62.7 grams
Bearing Size: Size C normal and narrow

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